Künstler: Maro-Danai
Maro Danai Makarouni was born in Athens, studied in School of Arts and was taught artifact technique in Athens College. She has participated in several individual and group exhibitions.
-1966 She has her first exhibition as a student in Orfeas Serres
-1976-79 she cooperates with the gallery Leya Burova (Chicago Illinois)
-1984 Gallery Delphi
-1985 Gallery Aiolos
-1988 Gallery Zygos
-1988 Gallery Selection in Kifissia painting and artifact
-1988 Gopley Society of Art Newberry str Boston where she is a member painting and artifact
-1989 54 Gallery Fifth Av New York
-1990 Gallery Maro\s Art in Tinos with paintings and artifacts
-1991 Herbst Messe Frankfurt exhibition of artifact
-1991 She wins the prize of artifact of the house of Katramopoulos for the Olympic Games
-1992 Lab of artifact creation in Kifissia under the name of Maro\s Art
-1991-1994 She presents artifacts in International Herbst Messe Frankfurt
-1993-1995 In the exhibition Greek Creations she presents artifacts in Caravel hotel with great reviews
-1993 In the exhibition of Thessaloniki she wins the prize for the design of artifacts and her jewel was published in the magazine Europa Star in Geneva
-1993 Exhibition of artifacts in Varsovie of Poland at the chamber of the country
-1995 She conquers USA with her individual exhibition of artifact in Jacob K Javits Convention Center New York
-1996 Individual painting exhibition in Myconos\s public library
-1998 Patsis\s Gallery in Ioannina
-1999-2004 She paints frescoes at the restaurants \\"Αρχαίων Γεύσεις\\", \\"Ίωνες 1\\", \\"Ίωνες 2\\" and several private properties in Varimpompi and Dionissos.
Covers of the books of the writer Eleni Zografidou Dagiou
a) The Argonauts Return
b) The Redemption of Prometheus after 2000 ac
c) The Prince of the Poles
d) The typic of Birthdays published by the bookstore Ialyssos
In 2004 she teaches The Art of Eu Zin the Greek Feng Shui at Iliodromio
Her paintings and her jewllery are found in England, USA, Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy in Greek galleries and private collections.
These last years she deals with the greek mythology. In her art \\"you can find a world of explosions, movements and totality with a dansing feeling that comes to life before us, through them she tries to bring to life icons and symbols because she believes it is the beginning for a journey of the inner deep and external sensation and a key to a high place that leads to a strength beyond herself.\\"
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Die letzten 5 Kunstwerke
Installation im Park, Skitze für Stadt Backnang. Material; Industrie Stahl, 3x200x350cm. Gew. ca. 1T
Installation , Skitze für Stadt Backnang \" Erinerung an Stadt Annonay \" Material; Industrie Stahl, 3x200x350cm, Gew. ca. 1T
Skitze - Installation -\" Erinnerung an Stadt Annonay \" Material, Industrie Stahl, 3cm x 200cm x 350cm. Vorderansicht / Seitenansicht
Die letzten 5 Kommentare
Sonnenblumen vor rotem Spargel
Das Bild hat eine starke Wirkung.
Kommentar von Marita Zacharias
Wundersch?nes Bild. Ich liebe Klavier spielen.
Kommentar von Viviane Wenz
Smaragdeidechse auf Stein
Liebe Ingrid, Gerade einmal gest?bert und schon muss ich staunen was Du da wieder einmal tolles gemacht hast. Eine wundersch?ne Idee und eine geniale Umsetzung, klar Dein Werk - Gro?es Kompliment. Ganz liebe Gr??e Yvonne
Kommentar von Yvonne Schmied
Lady mit Hut
Hallo liebe Elisabeth, lange habe ich nichts in dieses Portal geschrieben und jetzt dieses Bild von dir entdeckt. Das ist wirklich sch?n. Spannend, eine Frau von hinten zu zeigen. DAs gibt viele R?tsel auf. Liebe Gr??e Ingrid
Kommentar von ingrid wenz-gahler
Herbst 2
Ein intensives Bild mit genialem Pinselduktus. Gef?llt mir sehr gut!
Kommentar von Laetitia Barnick